Kingsway Vigil

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My Friend
by Noreen Real   18-10-2006

You came to this land from countries so far away
Looking for asylum somewhere safe for your children
To grow and be happy as all children should
They housed you beside me
We all became friends, people of all nations standing as one

Do your children sleep well at night, as all children should?
Sweet dreams in their heads?

No, I say no!
They have nightmares
Of dawn raids, Detention and Deportation, to lands they don't know

For many were born here in the place you wanted to be their heaven
Has now become their place in hell
I feel for you so much. My heart does bleed
Every time someone is taken to detention and deported
I loose another friend, so this hell in earth
Is not yours alone

I will stand beside you till I can stand no more
But remember my friend
You will always find a welcome at my door